Weigh in Week 5

It’s taken me a day to write this because basically all I can think about when I think of the results is what the hell. 100g loss, its absolutley demoralising and making me a lot frustrated about it.

I ate within my points, ending the week with 25 extra points left over and earnt 17 activity points through 4 days of jogging. My Monday and Wed jogs were 4km long and my Tue and Thur were 2km long.  So after all that effort to only see 100g off was really not what I was expecting.

In fact there was really little to no movement in my measurements too so I don’t think it’s a case of the scales lying to me from fluid retention but I just didn’t lose anything this week. I’m going to have to put it down to not being accurate in my tracking which meant I didn’t end the week with a surplus of points, though how I misjudged over 35 points of food seems a lot unlikely.

Measurements Week 4 Week 5
Weight 67.1kg 67kg
Arms 30cm 30cm
Chest 87cm 86cm
Waist 89cm 89cm
Hips 98cm 98cm
Thigh 60cm 60cm

Created with the HTML Table Generator

My darn period still hasn’t arrived, which is making me really want to blame the lack of movement on that, but I don’t want to get to get complacent and think that’s the cause of me not losing weight when it really isn’t.

Non-scale achievements

Since there’s no scale achievements to hang onto to keep my motivation high, lets look at what I am happy about.

1. I put my favourite pair of fitted jeans on which have been steadily getting tighter and tighter the past few months and this time they didn’t feel like they were about to cut me in half yay. What was really surprising, it wasn’t just the waist and thighs that felt looser but the calfs as well. The jogging is having benefits in places I don’t measure!

2. We went out the other day to buy the kids their new uniforms for back to school and we decided to have lunch out. M and the boys immediately voted for meat pies and I saidbut I wanted to get subway because their vege sandwiches are really low in points compared to a meat pit (about 1/2 the amount) but I didn’t mind what they had. In the end of their own accord they all decided to go with vege sandwiches over the meat pie. I can see that just one of us making a few changes is impacting us all

3. I cooked a bunch of chocolate muffins for the boys lunch boxes and I have been successfully ignoring them! I make them to a low-fat recipe already but not snacking on them is a really good thing.

Goals this week to focus on

Sleep! I often don’t come anywhere near the recommended 7 hours a sleep so this week I’m going to focus on being in bed by 11pm each night which will give me 7 hours if I get up at 6am. Being tired is actually why I missed my Friday jog, I slept through my alarm. Maybe if I hadn’t I would have seen more than that crappy little number on the scales.

 Ok, really going to try to keep my motivation high and not dwell on the lack of progress this week. It will have to come off eventually if I’m eating right and exercising.. right?

2 thoughts on “Weigh in Week 5

  1. I’ve so been there! Any time I had an ideal week on WW without the scale moving was either the fault of sushi the night before a weigh in or really poor sleep. Water intake made a big difference too. I started tracking my sleep with an app called sleep cycle to see what I was averaging, and it was less than I credited myself. Stick with it and try not to let it get you down!

    • It’s nice to know I’m not in alone in this. Sleep is definately something I need to work on, I know I don’t get enough. Throughout the week I noticed my water intake was way down on what it normally is but Friday I made a big effort to drink my 4 bottles of water (600ml each) not sure if the not drinking enough earlier in the week made a difference.
      I’ll definately stick with it, a loss is better than a gain and if it was a gain I’d be so frustrated giving the efforts I’m doing. If I gave up the tracking and exercise I know gains are all I’ll see.

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